General, Press

Featured Guest Blogger on Bonus Families website

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to get your stepkids involved in gift-giving, try making gifts together! You can read my guest blog post on the Bonus Families website to find out all about it.

Made with Love

This year, my stepdaughter and I made reindeer for all of the men (dad, grandpa, uncle, etc.) which were really simple and fun to make.

Hershey's reindeer

For the women (grandma, aunts, cousins, etc), we put nail polish in a cellophane bag with a cute tag that said “For your mistle toes” or “Have a mani little Christmas.”

nail polish gifts

I don’t know what we’ll end up making next year, but I know that no matter what it is, we’ll have fun making it together!  To me, gift-giving is more than just a gift- it’s a memory that you can make with your family members.

